Friday, January 23, 2009

venice beach socity..

this is the hospital of venus beach called.. venuse has 10 has ER and kids docotrs and plastic surgons and bones surgons and surgones and dentsints..womens docotor and all has six ambulances..this is the Schizophonic mangment base buildings..for investing,buying and doing all bussines and keeping track of or bussiness..
venise beach high school... venise secandry school...kindergarden and ebteda2y...
worthington clinic..

the venice beach musum of gay and lesbian history..we bought history of gays and lesbians from all over the world and it costed us 30 million dollers.. office building..we have here..thearpist..couple teapisrt and singles and kids..we have lawyers planers and wedding planers..and lots more..financal counslers.. we opend building for daycare cneter for can take up to 800 kidsvenice royale opera has 600 chairs and its located on Luxe islandthis building is where all the magic happens of hollywood...the schizophonic tv has these channesl.Sseris..Smovies..Sadults..Sxxx..Ssince..Snews..Skids..Sfun..Sglmaour..Sstyle..Stv..Shollywood..Sdocmtry Sworld..sCOMDYA..slogo..Smtv..Sfood..movietine..logo..musicLive..
the buildings for the lesbian magazine De la mer and the gay magazine Smen...and the venice beach news paper..and venice nights magazine...and must go list magazine...this magazine is only a ten pages cataloge and comes with the mail..and venice nights is all about taking pics o people in places... this building is the bolton home center for lesbian and gay refugees..this center provide homless gays and lesbians a place to stay and give them clothes and food and eductaion and a thearpist and help them to stand on their feet and find a job and place to live for them...
this building is the ford and johns future center..this building is the reason of venice beach..this building has 20 hot lines..all helpers to help all mixed up teens and ppl about their sexualty..this company can help you come and start a new live in venice beach.they can help you..come to take you from insde the us and give you a ticket and you find ajob and a plce to you get education..and help you with cash for the first year..
we have these three art gallerys..all in diffrent is 500 metrs is 600 metrs long and one is 1000 metrs long..
this is the venice beach police station and fire station with three fire cars..and six ploice cars... venice beach couminnity has arts and and mangment.the jordan vetrainin hospital...

this building help you buy any apartment or house in venice beach... called marcus real estate this building has dancing studios..tango salsa hiphop ball room ballet and all kind of has 60 studios..some occupid and some fre for rent this building has four huge theaters or rent...we dont have a pic but this can be a wedding and fashion shows and exbetions..and we dont have we opend three art studios..two for painting and one potry..and two for photography
this huge gallery is for cars only and it has cars of all brands for sale and it has two offices for car rentals..this the bank of america building...we only have two banks in venice beach..and bank of california building..
the tombshons tailros and fabric has 12 floors of great tailors and an undergroundfabric factory..and it also teachs tailroing we also opend a nanny center called nanny 911...this center has five hot lines and can help you til 2 am ...we dont have a pic..they charge 20 dollers per two hours...
we also opend two travling aggencies..
we opend one big supermarket its 800 metrs long and has everything you need like lights wires bbq stuff..everything u needthe library building..tombsons library...and we opend photography have a dgree in digital photography in just two years.. we opend three pharmacys..on in the hospital and two seprates...

we opend three book shops.. only one of them has classical cds...
we opend small grocry store in london street..and a vegtable store in italian villas... we opend three pluming stores..and two antique antuqe store and one plumer and one book shop all in london street 2..we also opend two flower on luxe island and one in london street..and one inside the supermakert.. we decided to do something about cinderrela carrgies..the horse rides all over venice beach only costs 10 bucks...

we also opend venice beach movie of all the moives and tv shows that been shot in venice beach..the musem is three floors and has pics of every movie and tv show but we dont have a pics...

we also opend three dvd and cds stores one in london street and one in the mall of venice and one in the supertmarket..

we also opend one building for bus company and one taxi company..the taxis belong to us and the bus belongs to an invester...they share this building..the busses and taxis goes underground..taxis are everywhere in venice beach..

we also opend one big company ..its a modling agency that is searching for gays and lesbian models..only..they have no other building anyhwere eles only in venice beach..we own the company its caled rainbow has photographers and alot of things.. we also opend three car garages..and we also opend three sea equibment stores...and one scuba diving center..and one jets and surfe board rental store..and we opend a center for suring teaching and swimming teaching and live guard on the ocean..we also opend six funrnaitrue stores..and one flea market.

we opend two insurance compnays ...and this is their buildings...
we opend the school of fashion and desgin at luxe island..and the school o makeup artist at luxe island too..and the school of sports to become a fitnees trainer..

we puplished a new magazine we helped puplish it..its called F magazinge for female..and this is their building..we also launched a men magazine called Evrette..and we also opend two Pr companys..we also opend another real estate firm..we opend two law firms.. and the building in between is an events compnay called venice beach events and more...they are the head masters of all comptions like miss and mr rainbow..
we opend the gay and lesbian human rights building..

we opend a centre called mommy and has 16 kids shops and three lamaz classes and a small day care center for mommys who want to shop and it has a caftria for kids and mommys

we opend a modling agency on venice beach because there is another one on luxe venice beach we need lots of models..for our shows..festivals and lots more...they have three floors..and also have free space for rental..
the degnress book puplishing..this company belongs to ellen degnreess..its a book company puplishing .. we opend the venice beach site..this site has it all from news about venice beach to the hottest new spots and what to do in venice beahc and luxe island..and hotel reservations.chatting and everything you need this is ur venice beach and luxe island bible..

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