Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Luxe island

made by the gay billionare and owner of dvdmax company gogrge jakes..the island costed 20 billion dollers and he invested 10 billions and his rich partner invested 4 billion and the rest is the schizophonic compnay..the island is extremely amazing saint tropez villas..85 saint tropez villas to rent or buy for 250000 dollers and rent for 2400 has 3 bedrooms and two baths and one kitchen and living room and dsl access and swimming pool..we builded 85 saint tropez villas and all on the beach...we builded three diffrent styles.. we also builded 30 beach front houses with their pool and some has four bedrooms and some has three rent 3400 and to buy two million..we opend these luxouris apartment buildings on luxe island for rent and sale.. we opend the ski dome resort and has 30 cotages..hotel of 250 rooms all delux cafe one ski equibmebt store for buying and renting..hooky playeing and training and skiying..the cotages are one kilo away from all the buzz...the fees are 25 dollers per person and 10 dollers per kids..this project is the hottest on the state o can ski and have fun without going to aspen..
we opend the luxoiurs french hotel called..chateau d'artigny... Spa and fitness centre, massage treatments, pétanque, tennis, sauna, fishing..and it has these activties..
Golf, horse riding, go-karting, cooking classes, balloon rides, helicopter tour, aquacycle on the Loire river, kayaking, walks, Loire Valley Châteaux, wineries and wine tasting, Futuroscope, Parc Mini Château...The Château d'Artigny has 65 rooms of 5 different categories, from the most elegant apartment to the most delightful room including junior suites, "Deluxe", "Superior" and "Traditional" rooms, located in the Château or just opposite in the Ariane Pavilion or in the Fragrance House. All the rooms are elegantly decorated in keeping with their location and enjoy modern comforts. They offer pleasant views to the Indre valley, the French gardens, the Château, the park or the woods...we made a 800 meter fake lake with real fish to fish..we added golf coruse..this hotel is away from the buzz and has alot of nature.. its 3 kilos away..
we opend our production compnay and our studios on luxe island..its called schizhophonic studios and production..we have 12 small studio and six large studios..we also helpe to istablish another production company called future hope and it has meduim 18 studios..and these are buildings we are near each other..we also opend these amazing resturants... we opend the chef acadmy..and we already have alot of students...
we also opend a small gourmet store called le chef gourment...we also opend a karate and teakwando center for adults and kids..its onely four studios and it can fit 30 people and the fees are 50 per person and 34 per kid for one month..but we dont have a pic...we opend this apartment building with some shopping stores and it has one small theater.. we also opend a hotel..with small bar and lounge...and it has 320 rooms and 10 has a resturant and nightclub for gays and lezs and straight touristswe opend another hotel that has 800 rooms and including 12 suites from the has a resturant and a nightclub for straight people called has a gym and a spa..
we opend this huge laundry store...we also opend one pharmcy ...
we also oped a 100 houses named green street..all houses look the same and they are all two floors and has two bedrooms and two bathrooms and one kitchen and one living room and one office room..and one parking lot..
we opend these amazing night clubs..
we also opend a 20 lane bowling ally that has a resturant called beer and hot dogs...and we also opend a theme park that has everything from rollercoster to fourtune tellrs..its on 5000 metrs..the theme park called schizophonic theme park...and thats what luxe island have...and we opend a modling agency on luxe island called waf modling agency for gays and lez models...and we opend the beauty pagent centers two centers for people who wanna compete in the miss and mr rainbow america and the bikini these buildings have a modlingagency,talent agency for kids and adults,beauty centers two, and one center for the bikini and speedo contast..

Friday, January 23, 2009

venice beach hotels...

hard rock has spa..night club one for both genders and another night club for straight tourists..lounge..and a casino.and hard rock resturant the grand schizophonic hotel and has a sap,gym,pool and jacuzzi,casino.lounge,nightclubs for gays and lesbians and small one for straights..banana rides,jet skis,surfing and two resturants thombsons hotel...this hotel has rainbow colors..amazing sea,gym,lounge..resturant,and also has a small theater for weekend preformances by amazing dancers..they have arabian nights..japanese art,and hip hop...grand beach has resturant,gym and rooftop swimming pool..jacuzzi..lounge
four seasons has a lounge and a and a gym..great luxury..and resturantthe leonardo has 55 floors,gym,spa,three resturants,lounge and a also has swimming pool for kids and adults on the roof..amazing hotel..
we opend the contenantel hotel has apartment suties and penthouses two and has gym,spa,bar and lounge and one and swimming pool on the roof..
we opend in the italian villas and front the canals an all italian hotel..on the front its yeloow and on the back it has a resturant cafe and only 85 delux rooms with one bar..its a great we also opend a morocan has a resturant and dancers every night inside their closed also has a round 7oosh with fountain and amazing fresh air..this hotel has a cafe and resturant and only 62 delux rooms..great exprince..